夏目友人帳 英語版 (1-26巻) [Natsume's Book of Friends Volume 1-26]

夏目友人帳 英語版 (1-26巻) [Natsume's Book of Friends Volume 1-26]
● 送料無料

● ポイント 124,639pt

42,526 税込

出版社 Viz Media

版型 英語判 版型とは

最新刊発売日 2021年12月07日



With friends like these, enemies are overkill. R to L (Japanese Style). Takashi Natsume can see the spirits and demons that hide from the rest of humanity. He has always been set apart from other people because of his gift, drifting from relative to relative, never fitting in. Now he is a troubled high school student who has come to live in the small town where his grandmother grew up. And there he discovers that he has inherited more than just the Sight from the mysterious Reiko. Takashi Natsume can see the spirits and demons that hide from the rest of humanity. He has always been set apart from other people because of his gift, drifting from relative to relative, never fitting in. Now he is a troubled high school student who has come to live in the small town where his grandmother grew up. And there he discovers that he has inherited more than just the Sight from the mysterious Reiko.

● 送料無料

● ポイント 124,639pt

42,526 税込


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42,526 税込