リヴィングストン 英語版 (1-4巻) [Livingstone Volume 1-4]

リヴィングストン 英語版 (1-4巻) [Livingstone Volume 1-4]

● ポイント 5324pt

7,128 税込

最新刊発売日 2016年11月15日




SOUL SAVERSEvery soul has a plan. But if you stray from your destined path, your soul stone, called a psycholith, becomes tainted and shatters, bringing misfortune to all that encounter it. The mission of the uptight Sakurai and the free-spirited Amano ? agents of a company called Livingstone ? is to find souls in danger of straying and keep them pure. If your life seems to be flying off the rails, and everything just seems?wrong, you’d better hope this odd couple finds you in time to put events back on course ? because if they’re too late, they might just have to help you along on your journey to the next life.

● ポイント 5324pt

7,128 税込


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7,128 税込