モンスター娘のいる日常 英語版 (1-16巻) [Monster Musume Volume 1-16]

モンスター娘のいる日常 英語版 (1-16巻) [Monster Musume Volume 1-16]
● 送料無料

● ポイント 123,667pt

33,616 税込

出版社 Seven Seas


最新刊発売日 2020年12月22日



Monsters - they're real, and they want to date us! Three years ago, the world learned that harpies, centaurs, catgirls, and all manners of fabulous creatures are not merely fiction; they are flesh and blood - not to mention scale, feather, horn, and fang. Thanks to the Cultural Exchange Between Species Act, these once-mythical creatures have assimilated into society, or at least, they're trying. When a hapless human teenager named Kurusu Kimihito is inducted as a volunteer into the government exchange program, his world is turned upside down. A snake-like lamia named Miia comes to live with him, and it is Kurusu's job to take care of her and make sure she integrates into his everyday life. Unfortunately for Kurusu, Miia is undeniably sexy, and the law against interspecies breeding is very strict. Even worse, when a ravishing centaur girl and a flirtatious harpy move in, what's a full-blooded teenage human with raging hormones to do?

● 送料無料

● ポイント 123,667pt

33,616 税込


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33,616 税込